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The FuturiZe project outputs come in 3 formats:

  1. Experiencial: a co-produced track (FZ track) in the Lisbon addictions 2019 conference;
  2. Collaborative: different constellations of professionals (networks and working groups) who were recruited to work on different parts of the project, and who continue collaborating beyond the duration of FuturiZe;
  3. Transparency and Sustainability: project reports (deliverables) written with the aim of providing sufficient theoretical and methodological detail to strengthen future multi-sectoral co-creation and foresight work in addiction fields and disciplines.

The FuturiZe Networks and Working groups

Several groups of multidisciplinary professionals have collaborated on parts of the FuturiZe Project and continue to work together on different aspects of foresight in the addictions field.

FZ network groups

The FZ bursary-holders are 121 multi-sectoral professionals working in addictions fields. Each was awarded a bursary on the basis of merit and need and was required to complete the online consultations survey, contributing to the foresight exercise to shape the FZ strand topics and perspectives.

The group participating in the FZ foresight workshop comprised 40 high-level professionals from different sectors (civil society, academia, clinical and policy) to participate in an intensive exercise analysing and discussing on-going trends and future scenarios in different areas of addiction.

The FZ Track participants are a group of 33 professionals, including academics and thinkers in the addictions fields who contributed to sessions on topics with a future perspective; as well as technical developers and front line implementers who demonstrated and discussed technological advances in addictions.

One session at the Lisbon Addictions 2019 conference was dedicated to a Cannabis standard joint unit (SJU) Back-casting Workshop: back-casting is a method used to map steps and anticipate to mitigate obstacles in a hypothetical path towards an ideal goal (in this case, the creation and use of a standardised measurement for cannabis use to improve population health). The group has gone on to publish on the process and conclusions of the session and apply for funding to initiate the first steps along this path.


FuturiZe Deliverable Reports

The FuturiZe project reports are listed and summarised in the table below to encourage their exploitation and the use of the methodology and outputs in different contexts. To receive any reports (pending approval of the funding body, DG JUST of the EC) please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

WP1 –

Management and Coordination

D1.1 - Risk management plan

Plan for continuing monitoring of risks and prompt implementation of corrective/ mitigating measures

D1.2 - Quality standards to validate the project’s activities and deliverables

Evidence- and/or practice-based quality standards and indicators of the outputs of FuturiZe in terms of content, format, recruited participants, participant expectations and experience, inclusiveness and equity.

D1.3 - Outreach sector and stakeholder networking report

D1.3 reports on coordination, support and logistics of networking activities with relevant European, national, regional and local stakeholders and European research initiatives and actions.

D1.4 - Final report

Final administrative, financial and technical report on the execution of the project.

WP2 – Synergy with Lisbon Addictions 2019

D2.1 - Summary of action points from all coordination meetings

D2.1 summarises action points from all coordination meetings with the FuturiZe coordination team and the organising committee of Lisbon Addictions 2019

D2.2 - FuturiZe -LxAddictions19 synergy report

This report summarises the activities undertaken to: identify timing and synergistic opportunities as a framework for the scenario planning and the delivery of the FuturiZe sessions; feed outputs of the online stakeholder consultation (horizon scanning) and the scenario planning workshop back into preparations for Lisbon Addictions 2019; smooth logistical and on-site running of FuturiZe sessions within Lisbon Addictions 2019

WP3 - Scenario planning

D3.1 - Synthesis report on stakeholder input

D3.1 gives a synthesized account of the first stage in the process to gather stakeholder input: development and deployment of the FuturiZe online consultation survey; analysis of thematic priorities and the input from diverse stakeholder perspectives from their professional and experiential knowledge; and synthesis of this and other inputs into four background papers to inform the on-site scenario workshop.

D3.2 - Design and the deployment of the scenario planning workshop

D3.2 reports on the second stage of the participatory process in the project – the FuturiZe scenario planning workshop, which was held on 28-29 March 2019 – including the scope and purpose, design and scenario planning techniques based on consultation, stakeholder expertise and deployment of the workshop. To promote understanding, the last section of this report gives an overview of the workshop outputs and next steps to develop the scenario elements and moving towards the final FuturiZe track in the Lisbon Addictions 2019 Conference.

WP3 - Scenario planning

D3.3 - Scenario elements for the Lisbon Addictions 2019 FuturiZe track sessions

D3.3 first gives a summary account of the process to choose and develop the scenario themes and elements; and then outlines of the scenario themes and elements fed forward into the Lisbon Addictions 2019 FuturiZe track.

D3.4 - Transferable model for co-creation of foresight scenarios in addictions

Design and delivery protocol for multi-stakeholder participatory co-creation of foresight scenarios: transversal principles and methodology

WP4 - Logistics and implementation of the FuturiZe track sessions in LxAddictions19

D4.1 - Executive report on the and deployment of the FuturiZe sessions

This report gives an executive account of the recruitment, selection and logistics arrangements of the participants and bursary holders in FuturiZe, and practical deployment of the main on-site project activities:

-          The FuturiZe Foresight Scenario Planning Workshop

-          The FuturiZe (FZ) bursary applications and participation

-          The FZ track sessions at Lisbon Addictions 2019

D4.2 - Synthesis report of the addictions foresight roundtable sessions at Lisbon Addictions 2019

D4.2 gives a 3-tier account of the primary outcome of the project – the FuturiZe sessions at the LxAdd19 Conference: 1) An explanation of how the FuturiZe sessions evolved over the course of the project; 2) A description of the elements involved in the co-produced FZ track; 3) A synthesis account of each of the different interactive sessions organised by FuturiZe based on the preparatory work for the sessions with participants and rapporteurs’ reports and evaluators’ feedback.

WP5 - Evaluation

D5.1 - Annexes to the open version of the transferable addictions foresight model

Independent expert report on the scenario planning process; report on a pilot testing experience; summary report of the scenarios’ evaluation

D5.2 - Comparative summary report on the evaluation of the FUTURIZE sessions by participants

Evaluation of the content and format of the debate sessions by the co-funded participants in terms of usefulness, clarity, learning opportunity, networking opportunity, and appropriateness of presentation and debate techniques

WP6 - Dissemination, communication and sustainability

D6.1 - FUTURIZE Web pages and communication channels

This report gives an overview of the FuturiZe website contents and the full set of communication tools for coherent branding and recognition of the FUTURIZE project and achieving the project objectives. The live web pages can be seen at http://www.lx-futurize.eu/.

D6.2 - Final suite of exploitable project outputs

A comprehensive and easily navigated set of materials and outputs (also accessible on the project’s website), including executive summaries of the FuturiZe technical deliverable reports and other selected outputs.